
When the day is ending for most of their peers, that’s when a PEP student’s day is just getting started. PEP students work hard and play hard in an environment that’s challenging, but fun. Here’s a look:

Middle School Students

  • 3:00 PM

    At 2:50 PEP middle school students get out of class and walk over to the PEP House. There, they’ll grab a snack and enjoy some free time; they’ll play sports outside or computer games within the center, or they might play board games and interact with their peers.

  • 3:30 PM

    Time to get to work. Tutor-lead group sessions help teams of students focus on a specific topic. Students may also participate in social-emotional workshops and do some studying on their own.

  • 4:30 - 5:30 PM

    Learning continues as students go to their stations and start their homework. Some students will receive direct instruction in a particular subject area, and some may get individual tutoring, depending upon their curriculum and needs. At 5:25, it’s time to pack up. PEP students head home at 5:30.

High School Students

  • 5:30 PM

    High school students arrive at the PEP House by 5:30; they’ll settle in and have dinner on site.

  • 6:00 PM

    Similar to PEP middle-schoolers, high school students start their sessions by attending targeted workshops. For our upper-class students, there are college and career readiness workshops; time may be spent with a PEP college counselor, discussing placement tests, or tailoring applications for a specific school’s academic requirements.

  • 6:30 - 7:30 PM

    Working at their individual stations, some students might receive direct instruction in math, language arts and science, and some will get individual tutoring, depending upon their needs. At 7:30, PEP high school students wrap up their assignments for the day and head home.