In addition to a strong academic foundation, the PEP Program looks to instill in its students character, leadership, and civic responsibility. To this end, PEP students are annually required to complete community service hours.
The PEP Program maintains relationships with many local organizations – including The Community FoodBank of New Jersey, GRACE, The Junior League of Summit Thrift Shop, The Summit Free Public Library– through which students can meet their community service obligation.
While working in these environments, PEP students hone traits such as selflessness, empathy, and a sense that they can contribute to the overall good of their community.
As members of The PEP Program, students must complete 20 hours of community service at the middle school level, and 30 hours at the high school level.

For more details on community service and the PEP approved organizations and activities, please download the Community Service Handbook.
To track community service hours, please download the Community Service Log.