As students transition into young adults, academic pressures and complex social dynamics create obstacles and challenges that offer important growth opportunities.
The PEP Program believes that students should be equipped with knowledge and skills to help them to make choices that will benefit their overall development and well-being. Social and emotional skills are essential to becoming a successful student, a capable citizen, and a well-adjusted adult. We provide a social-emotional learning curriculum designed to assist students in developing attitudes and behaviors that encourage emotion regulation, goal setting, positive relationships, and responsible decision making.
Overall we strive to strengthen a student’s sense of self, foster a growth mindset, and encourage their confidence in navigating their unique path toward becoming a productive adult.

Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum
Middle school students meet weekly with the Behavioral Coordinator while high school students meet on a monthly schedule.
Irrespective of curriculum, PEP staff members are always cognizant of the students’ social interactions and emotional states, and will make the student’s family aware if they notice issues or sudden changes in behavior.